

《醉 後大丈夫》是說一個準新郎在婚前和一幫哥們到拉斯維加斯瘋狂一把的故事,而這部5月26日上映的續集則主打泰國風情:婚後的新郎官帶著他的一幫哥們到曼谷 旅遊,結果再次搞得一團糟。第一集的主演賈斯汀·巴沙(Justin Bartha)、布萊德利·庫柏(Bradley Cooper)、查克·葛里芬納奇(Zach Galifianakis)、艾德·海姆斯(Ed Helms)都將回歸,此外美國前總統比爾·克林頓(Bill Clinton)也將客串一角,演他自己。

1 則留言:

  1. Wash your curly hair at the very least two days in a week.

    Likewise, using imported shampoos and conditioners from a tropical country when your climate is cold and temperate is not such a good idea.

    Generally, these products are more expensive than their watered-down
    counterparts, but you can find a few affordable pure silicone hair products
    (see below).


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